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History – Overview

We love the history of old Land Rovers

At Revised we not only like old stuff, but we’re also passionate about the history of old Land Rovers.

For years we have been doing research spending countless hours in archives and libraries, scanning old documents, photographs and film reels. And occasionally a small treasure turns up on an attic or in a private collection.

Discover on this page a selection of projects that we did recently.

Revised - Early Land Rover impression October 1948

A little known expedition that took place in 1953, 15.000km from Brussels to India.

On the 3th of October 2023 it will be exactly 70 years since the expedition left Belgium. Discover here day-by-day the expedition via a range of posts, photos and film by the crew.

Societé Nouvelle Minerva SA

The history of the company that imported and built Land Rovers in Belgium. A story of ambition, succes and failure. (in preparation)

A unique insight in the CKD production facility of SN Minerva in Mortsel (Belgium). (in preparation)

Gendarmerie – Land Rovers in the Belgian police force

The story of the Land Rovers used by the Belgian police force (in preparation)

Minerva C20 – C22 – The Belgian 4×4

Discover the fascinating story of the Belgian 4×4, designed and build in Brussels (in preparation)

Land Rover Artwork 107