What have a Land Rover Series 1/2 and the Mini Moke in common ?
Well at least the Lucas FW2 wiper motor !
Just finished a couple of FW2 wiper motors destined for these little cars, they will go to the south of France and the Canary Islands. I wonder if these fully restored wiper motors will ever be used in that climate.
Do you have a Lucas wiper motor that needs to be properly restored ? Get in touch and we can discuss the details.
Not just some wire brushing and a new coat of paint, but a complete dismantling to the last bit, inspection of all components and a full rebuild.
All our motor are electrically tested and adjusted so that they used the least power possible, making sure we eliminate friction as much as possible. This will guarantee a good working motor for a long time.
For the Mini Moke these FW2 wiper motors are supplied without the aluminium packing piece since they are mounted directly on the steel of the bulkhead.
Happy wiping !
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- Lucas FW2 wiper motor for Mini Moke
- Lucas FW2 wiper motor for Mini Moke
- Lucas FW2 wiper motor for Mini Moke
- Lucas FW2 wiper motor for Mini Moke